Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Friday!

As if our school week wasn't short enough, we had a two hour delay this morning!  We had free play until lunch and then had recess outside.  The children will be going outside during recess if it's 20 degrees or below.  Please ensure that your child has the proper gear; including a winter coat, hat, scarf, gloves/mittens, snowpants and boots.

During the Daily 5, we Read to Someone, wrote our own story based on Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did You See? and practiced our spelling words by spelling them out using Play-Doh. 

We love Fridays during math time because we do a "Math Craft."  This Friday, we did a penguin addition craft.  In science, we have been learning all about penguins; including the fact that they do not live in the North Pole with the polar bears!  We also learned that penguins cannot fly, and that they eat fish.  For our craft, we created a penguin by tracing our foot and added together the number of fish that our penguin was going to eat for dinner. 

Logan's Math Craft

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