Monday, January 31, 2011

Pajama Day

To celebrate Pajama Day, we enjoyed a movie and some cookies and milk!

Friday, January 28, 2011


We painted our globes.
Math Craft Friday - We had to add the number of marshmallows in each mug!

We decorated our Spaceman.  Spaceman helps us to remember spaces between words when we write our sentences.

Mrs. Pasqua, the Mystery Reader, read us The Princess and the Pea.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Week

Natasha and Reagan using a number line to problem solve during Math

Thomas using a scale to experiment with weight during Math

Grace and Izabella during Pair Share

Students making paper mache globes

Monday, January 24, 2011

Arctic Temperatures

The arctic temperatures today made it quite fitting that we are studying the polar regions in science.  Today we talked about the adaptations the Inuits have to make to live in such a harsh environment.  A misconception we had was that igloos were permanent homes.  We learned today that they are only temporary shelters that an Inuit person builds to temporarily house themselves while they are out hunting for food. 

Natasha working on her igloo

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Friday!

As if our school week wasn't short enough, we had a two hour delay this morning!  We had free play until lunch and then had recess outside.  The children will be going outside during recess if it's 20 degrees or below.  Please ensure that your child has the proper gear; including a winter coat, hat, scarf, gloves/mittens, snowpants and boots.

During the Daily 5, we Read to Someone, wrote our own story based on Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did You See? and practiced our spelling words by spelling them out using Play-Doh. 

We love Fridays during math time because we do a "Math Craft."  This Friday, we did a penguin addition craft.  In science, we have been learning all about penguins; including the fact that they do not live in the North Pole with the polar bears!  We also learned that penguins cannot fly, and that they eat fish.  For our craft, we created a penguin by tracing our foot and added together the number of fish that our penguin was going to eat for dinner. 

Logan's Math Craft

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The Tail Waggin' Tutors Program started today.  Dianna Vaughn and her dog Toby will be working with our class two Thursdays per month.  Dianna spent some time with the children talking about what therapy dogs like Toby do and how one should handle animals.  Afterwards we got a chance to read a "good fit" book to Toby and Dianna with an "EEKK" buddy (Elbow to Elbow, Knee To Knee).  We are excited about Toby helping us become better readers.  Toby was all we could talk about after he left.  We even wrote stories and letters about Toby that we are excited to read to him next time!   

Adarsh and Safa reading with Toby and Dianna

We finished our "very hungry caterpillar" crafts today.  The children pointed out how we "recycled" in order to make our caterpillar craft. 

Megan's Very Hungry Caterpillar

Our Social Studies unit this month focuses on maps and "Where in the World Are We?".  We can identify our city, state, country, continent and planet!  Today we did a scavenger hunt with a United States map.  We found the state we live in, counted the number of states we have visited and more! 

Students doing a map scavenger hunt

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First day back after a four day weekend...

The students were excited to return to school after a four day weekend.  We anticipated a three-day weekend due to Martin Luther King Day, however, we had an unanticipated snow day on Tuesday!  A couple of us went on vacation over the long weekend and we're excited to share our adventures during show and tell. 

                                          Thomas shared about his trip to Mexico.

One of our favorite subjects in school is Math.  We have mastered recognizing numerals, counting to 100, writing our numbers, graphing, creating patterns and more!  We have started learning addition and to count by tens. 

Our Author Study for the week is on one of our very favorite authors: Eric Carle.  We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and created our very own very hungry caterpillars out of recycled egg cartons. 

Children will need a teddy bear/stuffed animal on Friday of this week to compose our class story based on Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did You See? (this activity was pushed back due to the snow day). 


Welcome parents, collegues, families and friends to my new blog.  I am taking advantage of the wonderful technology available in this day and age to bring to you a glipse inside Miss Tanchyk's Kindergarten Classroom.  I feel as if Blogger is more user-friendly than my Shutterfly classroom website so I am going to be shifting over to this blog.  It is also more "green" than the distribution of classroom newsletters - so this blog may serve both purposes.  My blog will allow me to upload pictures, slideshows, videos, documents, a calendar of events and more.  Let me know what you think!  Happy Reading :)