Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dental Health Month

February is Dental Health Month!  We are doing a lot of things to celebrate healthy teeth.  We are learning how to properly brush and floss our teeth.  The tooth fairy even paid us a visit yesterday to make sure we were taking care of our teeth.  She told us that while she loves being a tooth fairy, she wants to take a break and needs to go on vacation.  She wants one of us to take over for her!  We filled out "job applications" and hope one of us will be chosen to "sub" for her.  On Friday, we will be making all natural toothpaste to take home. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Math centers

Math is one of our favorite subjects. Since we have grown as learners over the year and have become more independent, we have started doing centers to get the most out of math time. One center includes a workbook practice page based upon the day's mini-lesson. The other two centers reinforce the concepts we have been learning so far this year.
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The Scoop on the Daily Five

The children are amazing me with how much they have progressed as readers and writers. This week we recorded goals for ourselves to become "star" readers and writers. We will look back in two weeks to see if we've met our goals.
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Smarty Pants

We have a new facet in our classroom : the Smarty Pants! The pants are, in reality, a pair of my old jeans that are filled with sweet treats. When the children blow me a way with their "smarts," they receive a treat from the pants.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Royal Day

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hat Day!

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